2021 Annual Meeting and Artists’ Showcase

The Print Club of New York’s Annual Meeting and Artists’ Showcase was held via Zoom Monday, May 17th at 6:00 PM.

The brief annual business meeting finalized membership on the Club’s Board of Directors for the coming year and reported on our finances.

The Artists’ Showcase featured five artists, selected in early 2020, just before COVID reached our area, by a committee comprised of: Gillian Greenhill Hannum (Chair), Jane Cooper, Kay Deaux, Sheila Fane, Stephanie Feingold, Jenna London, Jodi Moise, Mona Rubin and Bonnie Yousuf. Committee members visited the Art Students League, Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Guttenberg Arts, Manhattan Graphics Center, New York Academy of Art, and Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop.

The selected artists were chosen from five of these venues. Each was introduced by the committee chair and gave an approximately seven-minute illustrated presentation about their work, followed by a Q&A period. We particularly regretted not being able to host our usual in-person event since members frequently make purchases of prints for their collections at the artist tables following the talks. This year, members were able to do that via the artists’ websites. We encouraged members to peruse them ahead of our event in order to be ready to ask questions.

Our artists for 2021 are:

Betty Ball
[email protected]

Elizabeth Daggar
[email protected]

Karen Lederer
[email protected] 

Austin Thomas
[email protected]

Michael Weiss
[email protected]